Unlock All Factions Empire Total War

*WARNING* This mod is now months old and may not work with a current version of E:TW. I suggest visiting the linked sites and having a poke around for more recent mods before you install this one, just in case! And always back up, you can back up *WARNING*

It’s a mere few days since Empire: Total War was released and already the moders over on twcenter.net have worked out how to unlock all of the minor powers! Want to play Savoy? The Barbary states? American Indian nations? Now you can! It’s early days for the mod so there are some issues, but when I tried it there were no major problems. In particular, the Italian states seem quite full-featured in terms of intro text and goals, almost as if they were cut at the last minute.

Unlock all factions empire total war

The Byzantine Empire is a faction in Medieval II: Total War, unlockable after completing the campaign as one of the starting factions. Byzantium is the shadow that remains of the old Roman Empire. Despite retaining the civilized ways of the Roman legacy, the Byzantines have done little to.


Sadly, the pirates, while playable, and fairly unplayable, due to everyone being permanently at war with them and a stacking limit of six for units and ships. Hopefully they will iron that one out in due course as who doesn’t want to play a pirate nation!? I’m tempted to do a very piratey AAR for the Barbary coast state as I think it could be quite amusing.

  1. When you installed Empire Total War Minor Factions Revenge, quite a number of entry & files were created in the Windows Registry (What is Windows Registry) and hard drive, while running the default uninstaller always failed to remove all these data, it leaves us to manually track down and delete the leftovers inside the computer.
  2. The Maratha Empire or Confederacy was born in violence, as the result of the successful overthrow of Mughal rule less than a generation ago. Perhaps now, though, it is time to think of expansion. For now, the Europeans want only money and trade, but soon they will be after concessions, a little piece of land here, another piece there, until all.



Empire Total War Unlock All Factions Startpos

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Downloads Home » Modpacks » Unlock All Factions -- Grand Campaign

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Game Version:Standard Edition
This file unlocks all of the factions for the grand campaign. Not all work; the emergent factions all result in crashes. However, others are fine. There can be fog of war difficulties. Read the readme to install. BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR STARTPOS.ESF file!! No, no unpacking of files is necessary. Credit for this goes to the wonderful guys at twcenter.
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AuthorComments ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Posted on 04/02/09 @ 05:36 PM
This works great. Can you make a mod that makes the campaign endless?
Eire123 Hey, is there any way you can make a mod that allows you to play as the emergent factions because that would be awesome
Posted on 04/12/09 @ 11:03 AM
do i only hav' to dl the file nothin' else?
Volstag How do you play the mod?
Posted on 08/10/09 @ 03:38 AM
What do you do once youve downloaded the file. Sorry but im just a beginner and your readme doesnt make sense. Every one else thinks this is good by the way so ill give you 5 stars on behalf of them.
Ceaser97 i have the same problem as james of prussa... i can protect it, but not sure what to do next?
Posted on 09/12/09 @ 09:50 AM
So, if I download this, and plant it in the right place, will it affect the current version? Lets say this mod was made before 1.3, and you plant it in there, and iwhen steam updates to 1.3, it overwrites the mod, thus removing the mod? And vice versa, if it has been made before 1.3, and I would mod my 1.3 with this, will it corrupt the patch, thus removing some of the new fixes and features?
And if so, could someone just simply tell us how to do it ourselves, so that no patch corruption would happen?
And also, don't I recall CA telling people how easy it wil be to mod this game? What a load of crock. Just like everything else. But anyways,
would be very apprechiative for any info on my questions.
apenpaap Great work, but could you make one where only the playable factions are playable? So no emergent factions and colonies that will be absorbed into their motherland.
Posted on 11/07/09 @ 02:07 PM
What u mean with backup ?
Sry im a newbie
nissen360 will downloading and installing an expansion pack affect this at all.
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Unlock All Factions Empire Total War

How To Unlock All Factions Empire Total War

Empire total war emergent factions mod

Unlock All Factions Empire Total War Steam

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